Submitting Contributions to the Yearbook

The contents of this page are also available as a separate file (e.g. for printing or e-mailing) below.

The yearbook editor welcomes articles from members about all ski tours that they have been involved with. It is preferable that all tours are listed on the tour and meet programme including those that are organised member-to-member.  Articles on other aspects of ski mountaineering which would be of general interest to members are also welcome; please contact the editor to discuss any ideas or proposals.

Articles should be original and not previously published. If you have to prepare reports for multiple publications (e.g. because you have received a grant) then please ensure that the reports are sufficiently different, and use different photos, to avoid any copyright issues (and remember that many members may read both reports).  It’s fine to use some extracts in a blog post or other online publication, but again please ensure that the bulk of the text as submitted is original and unpublished.

It's usually best if the report is written by a participant rather than the leader/guide; but we recommend sending it to the leader for checking.  Your report should reflect not only your personal experience on the tour, but also that of the group as a whole; if in doubt, circulate it to the group for their comments.  Areas where your experience differs from guidebook advice can be particularly interesting and relevant.

The style should be your own; but do try to avoid “schoolboy diary” format: “Day 1: got up 6 am, climbed Monte Something, snow good, returned to hut for tea.  Day 2: etc.”  And every tour ends with a well-earned beer and thanks to the leader: please tell us about things that were interesting or unusual! 

Be careful when drawing “lessons learnt” from tours, particularly following an incident.  The Club has formal processes for incident management and leader review; lessons should only be drawn when these processes are complete.   Yearbook write-ups are not the place for settling scores or criticising other members! 

Guidelines for Tour Reports

Please look at the following checklist before submitting your articles:

  • Please inform the editor who is responsible for the tour report and photo submissions. It is best that the tour report is written up during the tour while memories are good. Ask members of the tour group to contribute as this usually results in a better report (a good time is each evening just before the meal)
  • Include the dates of the tour at the beginning and the names of people involved (including guides / instructors / leaders etc) in alphabetical order at the end; please carefully check the names of those in the party and indicate any that are non-Eagles.
  • Include any notes where your experience differs from advice given in guidebooks.
  • Please check the names of peaks, huts and towns and include any accents. Heights should be given in metres and distances in kilometres.
  • Limit reports on familiar areas to 500 words and weekend meets to 200 words. Reports on more unusual destinations should be no longer than 1,200 words. All submissions are subject to revision at the Editor's discretion and will almost certainly be shortened if they are longer than this.
  • Additional data such as phone numbers/URLs for huts, GPS tracks, daily height gain/loss may be attached to the report; these will not be published in the yearbook but will be made available to members on the website (Yearbooks).  It is very helpful to include a route summary (separate from the report itself), which will also be published in Additional Data.
  • Where possible please send a copy of your report to the Tour Leader or co-ordinator for checking.
  • Please name the tour report document using "NameofTour_ReportWriterName"
  • Please name each photo document using "NameofTour_Location_PhotograperName"

Guidelines for Photos

  • Photos are an important part of the Yearbook. We need a variety – portrait and landscape format, close-ups which provide interesting detail as well as more conventional panoramas.
  • Photos must be at high resolution (minimum 1600 x 2000 pixels for a half page) so that they print well.  Please supply a caption and the photographer’s name for each photo.
  • Please co-ordinate amongst the group, and do not submit more than THREE photos for any tour. And please do not refer us to a website where all your photos are displayed!
  • Photos submitted may also be shown at ESC slide evenings.


Tours are classified according to their location or "region". This is a very useful tool to help members search for tours which have taken place anywhere in the world. Regions can be found  in SHARE/YEARBOOKS/YEARBOOK REGIONS or

Tour organisers (guides, leaders etc) are requested to classify their tour according to regions when submitting their tour to the touring secretary. If a tour straddles more than one region, please state all regions using: region1|region2|region3 etc.

How to submit

  • Reports should be in Word format, without any special styles or additional formatting.
  • Submit using the form at - this contains all the information the editor needs and avoids time-consuming follow-ups.  Reports and photos should only be sent by e-mail as attachments to as a last resort but do not put the text as part of the email itself.  Ensure all the information listed above is provided. 
  • All contributions should be received within one month of the completion of the tour.

Submitting adverts

If you would like to include an advert in the Yearbook, please contact the Advertising Secretary ( for preferred formats and advertising rates.

Attachment Size
Yearbook Guidelines 2018.pdf48.19 KB 48.19 KB
Yearbook Style Guide.pdf33.34 KB 33.34 KB

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